Monday, October 26, 2009

Unable to play any video or movies in ...

None of my video or movies appear to be working in iTunes anymore. Whenver I try to play any, iTunes does nothing (appears to pause for a fes secs then nothing). I am using iTunes on a Windows Vista PC. I have also re-installed itunes, but to no avail. Whenever I try to play the videos in Quicktime diretly I get message:
"Error -2048: Couldn't open the file XYZ.m4v because it s not a file that QuickTime understands."

I did a google of the error message and found a few suggestions including re-encoding my thanks!!! The following Apple Support link came up:
This basically said that I need to PAY for a Quicktime plugin.

Does anyone have a striaghtforward solution to this problem. Note that my videos also include downloads from the iTunes store.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Orignal From: Unable to play any video or movies in ...

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